Why Upgrading to Smart Locks Is Essential for Your Business

Reliable commercial smart locks have become the gold standard for today’s security systems. The technology has become more and more popular in recent years. In fact, industry experts estimate that the smart door lock market size will reach over four billion dollars by 2027; increasing from just over one billion dollars in 2019. 

It makes sense that the smart lock market would be growing since more employees are now working in remote and hybrid settings. Employees need to be able to come and go from the office or business without relying on one person with a key. It’s crucial for businesses to oversee physical access, especially for temporary workers and visitors. 

This article will discuss everything you need to know about commercial smart locks, from usage to benefits to finding the right hardware and software for your distinct needs. Read on to discover the wonders of having complete control of the security of your commercial property. 

What Is a Smart Lock?

A smart lock refers to a group of devices that provide users with remote access to various entry points. In most cases, these electronic locks receive locking and unlocking instructions via a passcode or wirelessly from an authorized device, such as a smartphone. 

Contrary to popular belief, businesses can use smart locks for spaces apart from exterior doors. They come in various forms and work like deadbolts and padlocks. For this reason, consumers can use them for different office, residential, and auto purposes. 

Heavy-duty smart locks intended for door use are often the most secure. Users can control entry through electronic door locks in various ways, such as a smartphone app, a passcode, a keycard, or a conventional key. Advanced versions also offer video surveillance, so security teams can verify video identification to accept or deny access. 

However, advisors don’t consider smart locks an end-all security solution. Companies should instead think of them as an additional layer of security added to other measures. 

How Often Should Your Business Change Locks?

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for businesses. Usually, manufacturers build commercial keyless door locks to last. However, factors like employee turnover rates, neighborhood security, and the value of the commercial property matter. For high-risk areas, it’s best to change commercial smart locks annually or every two years. 

On the other hand, if you provided lock system access to a contractor, you had to let an employee go, or you lost a physical key, you should upgrade your security system right away. These scenarios might pose unnecessary risks to your property Remember, your safety and the safety of your employees and patrons are always worth the added security. 

Why Your Business Should Upgrade to a Smart Lock

Commercial smart lock technology has been making waves in the business scene for a few years now. Business owners appreciate its advanced features that eliminate the need for key cards and other physical keys. Additionally, with its Bluetooth capabilities, users can gain or grant access through a smartphone or other device. 

However, do companies really need commercial door locks, or are they just unnecessary hardware and software expenses? Read on to discover if this investment is a suitable option for you. 

#1. Cost-Effective

Overall, commercial electronic door locks are cost-effective. For most offices, the added security is worth the investment.

One commercial door lock typically costs anywhere between $100 to $300, and you can connect each one via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to secure your property. While this price may seem steep, market prices decline when the technology becomes more widely available. 

Plus, companies need a trusted contractor for the easy installation of commercial keyless locks. Professionals can help you activate and keep each one connected, ensuring that your system works flawlessly. 

Instead of the conventional single-cylinder deadbolt lock, smart hardware includes computer chips and radios. It also comes with software that offers encryption. In short, several additional security layers go into every smart commercial door lock, making each of them a worthy enhancement for commercial properties. 

Remember, commercial keyless locks need upgrades as technologies improve. It’s important to keep your security tools up to date to ensure their effectiveness. 

These costs and efforts might seem overwhelming, but the results are worth it. For a few hundred dollars apiece, high-tech door locks can prevent intruders from entering your property, protect your valuables, and keep your team safe. 

#2. Easier for Employees to Access the Building

Commercial locks provide employees with maximum convenience when they lock and unlock the business doors. One of the main reasons workers appreciate this technology is that it offers keyless entry. While this feature would prevent the need for a key, some organizations still prefer using alternatives, like key cards or fobs. 

With electronic door locks, firms can choose from different solutions that fit their security strategies. For instance, the staff can use their mobile phones, voices, fingerprints, or personal codes to access commercial doors. 

Below are other user advantages when companies decide to have electronic locks installed. 

  • Nighttime illumination: Most commercial keyless door locks use a backlit keypad, making it easy to see in the dark. With this keypad type on your side, team members won’t have to fumble around to press the correct keys. 
  • Tracking: Managers can connect commercial door locks to an app and track how often team members and guests come and go from the building. With this, they can identify any unusual activity. 
  • Reminders and automation: Department heads with commercial access control can set reminders to automatically lock doors after a certain time. This capability eliminates the possibility of leaving the main doors and other entry points unlocked. 
  • Change access codes: Another core advantage of using commercial door locks is that individuals who forget their codes can request new ones. There’s no need to replace keys. Business owners can also easily revoke access from a disgruntled former employee right away.

#3. More Secure

Some people believe traditional locks are enough for most businesses. However, these tools are vulnerable to picking and easy access. For instance, an experienced burglar could deactivate a conventional locking mechanism and gain entry to a commercial door within seconds. Also, anybody with a key can enter corporate premises using dated locking systems. 

#4. Contemporary problems require high-tech solutions.

More and more decision-makers have chosen smart locks for commercial use. While some commercial door lock types still use traditional locks, individuals with access can engage them electronically or remotely. Managers can operate them using smartphones or other devices.

Smart locks receive instructions from pre-authorized devices to lock and unlock any commercial door and don’t need physical keys. As an added benefit, they also monitor the status of linked equipment and send reports to concerned departments. 

One common misconception about smart business door locks is that they are hackable, but the opposite is true. Their connectedness makes it easy to spot unusual activities and notify authorities. They empower businesses to stop physical break-ins and prevent massive losses. 

#5. They Can Be Controlled From Anywhere

Business owners and decision-makers have remote access to smart locks, providing them with the extra security they need for peace of mind. They can access the lock system to control door functions. Such features are beneficial for the following situations:

  • Grant access to specific users: No matter how many doors the office building has, managers can let select visitors in and out of the premises, such as a contractor or client, even without physically being there. They can perform these tasks from anywhere as long as they have WiFi and Bluetooth access.
  • Boost convenience for the staff: Organizations that prefer using key fobs or proximity cards risk having employees forget their devices. When this happens, managers can disable them and grant temporary access to team members for a certain period. For maximum security, it’s best to use such features with video surveillance.
  • Customize access levels: When expecting visitors, management can limit their access to main entry points. Department heads can decide which areas they can enter and which ones should be off-limits. 

Now that business travel is on the rise again, entrepreneurs and executives don’t have to worry about going on trips and leaving their properties. With smart locks, they can still control the software from anywhere in the world. 

Business Owners Can Monitor the Security of the Building Away From Being at the Office

Before, the best way to oversee building security was to be physically near the office. Whenever people talked about any security system, they referred to different door locks, from deadbolts to knobs to mortise locks. However, keyless entry technology has made waves in the business scene.

Today, smart locks offer maximum convenience for entrepreneurs and managers everywhere. No matter how far they are from the office, they can control any lock system within the company premises and monitor movement at any time of day.

Below are some standout features you can use for your building:

  • Lock or unlock doors anytime: No matter how many miles you are from the office, you can lock or unlock any door connected to your lock system at any time. You can let electricians, plumbers, or cleaners in and out without being physically present. 
  • Receive activity notification: One advantage of using smart locks is sharing access with managers, employees, and temporary staff. You can choose to receive notifications whenever someone tries to access off-limits areas or stays too late in the office without authorization. 
  • Act like a security guard: As Alexander Pope once said, “To err is human.” The concept applies to any lock system. Once in a while, people might forget to lock doors inside the property. However, with a reliable smart lock on your side, you can perform such tasks from the comfort of your home. 

How Silver Eagle Locksmith Can Make Your Business More Secure

Are you ready to install smart locks throughout your commercial property? They’re one of the most cost-effective investments you can make for your business. With updated hardware and software tools, you can enjoy their various benefits. These include unmatched security, convenience, and flexibility. 

Smart locks let decision-makers enjoy commercial access control, ensuring that users enter and stay on the property only when they need to. Plus, they can perform all such tasks from anywhere in the world. 

However, when installing smart locks, remember not all locksmiths are the same. Choose someone with extensive experience with smart locks, or you risk getting a subpar system. 

At Silver Eagle Locksmith, we know what it takes to develop a custom solution for all your unique commercial needs. We also provide residential and auto locksmith services. Whether you prefer physical keys, mobile apps, or pin codes, we can get the lock for you. We are a certified and licensed locksmith, serving the needs of the Las Vegas, Henderson, and surrounding communities for the past ten years.  

Our smart lock experts use only the latest equipment and techniques to help you achieve your desired security features. The Metro Police Department has certified our technicians, so you’re sure to get only the best quality products and services from our company.

Call Silver Eagle Locksmith now at (702) 539-9581 to enhance your security efforts. We’re open 24/7 to serve all your emergency locksmith needs. 

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