It’s important to ensure that you’re using the latest locks on your home or business to protect your assets. Failure to use a working lock can cause you to lose your rights to an insurance claim in the event of a robbery. This is how your locks can affect your insurance policy.
Insurance Companies May Deny Your Claim Due to Non-functional Locks
It’s important to hire a Las Vegas locksmith and document their review of your home or business for insurance purposes. If someone breaks into your home, you can use the report to show that you took the proper steps to secure your home. Simply replacing the locks on your own doesn’t provide the same degree of reliability and security that hiring a locksmith can provide. In addition to installing locks on your property, a locksmith can help address additional security issues. Of course, he can help you keep your property safe. There are a few specific instances where it’s essential to hire a locksmith. Buying a property is one of them.
Hiring a Locksmith to Rekey Your Property
If you don’t hire a locksmith to rekey your newly purchased property, the insurance may use that as a reason to deny your claim. They can cite irresponsibility, since you should have consulted with a locksmith in Las Vegas to rekey your home. Rekeying is a small expense that shouldn’t put you out.
What Real Estate Agents Won’t Tell You
If you ask your real estate agent about rekeying your locks, they are likely going to tell you it’s not necessary. Of course, they want to sell you a home. And, telling you to rekey your locks may make it seem like the home is not in a secure area. For this reason, it’s best to secure your property and be safe rather than sorry.
Benefits of Rekeying
Since you’re going to rekey your property anyway, it’s a good idea to look into convenience options. You can purchase a lockset that uses the same key for each door, or consider using electronic locks so you don’t ever have to worry about losing your keys again. Hiring a locksmith shows that you are responsible and increases your chances of proving to your insurance company that you took all reasonable steps to secure your property. And, you’ll avoid any issues with your insurance policy.