
Replacement Car Key Fobs Cost & What To Know

Replacement Car Key Fobs

There are a number of reasons why you will need to get replacement car key fobs. You will want to weigh out your options and find the most cost-effective and reliable way. Replacement car key fobs can range in price between $75 and $300. The range is so big because there are several factors that go into the price of a replacement key

Types of Keys

The game has changed and there is no longer one type of car key on the market. This means that locksmiths, dealers, and manufacturers have had to take additional training and have specialized tools to cut and replace keys. The main categories of keys are:

  • Basic key
  • Switchblade key
  • Transponder key
  • Smart key fob
  • Remote keyless entry

A basic key fob is the easiest and least expensive to duplicate while a smart key fob is the most expensive reaching up to $500 in some cases. 

Factors That go Into Price

One of the biggest factors that go into the price is the year, make, and model of the vehicle. Newer vehicles will often have transponder chips inside the key fobs which will not only need to be cut but also programmed. This requires special tools and training. You will also need to consider whether you have a current working key. 

If there is a working key it can be easier to cut and program as opposed to starting from scratch. If you are stranded somewhere that is difficult to get to, the cost of replacement car key fobs can go up. This is because more can go into getting into your location or getting you out of the location which is in addition to the replacement key. 


Oftentimes, people will head to the dealership for a replacement car key fob which can cost anywhere from $150 to $600 depending on the kind of car you own. The more luxury the vehicle the higher the cost and the reasoning behind this is due to the added security features that come with these pricey vehicles 

Cost-Effective Alternatives

Your car insurance provider will not cover replacement car key fobs. If you have a service like AAA, then you can get a replacement key fob through them. They may use a third-party provider, however, especially in sophisticated vehicles. Another alternative is to contact a locksmith. They are often more cost-effective and can work quickly to get you back into your vehicle. 

Replacement Car Key Fobs Programming 

If you have a smart key or other keys that require programming this can affect your choices. These key fobs need special equipment to be properly programmed to your vehicle. This is most often done at a dealership or repair shop. However, highly trained and professional locksmiths may also have the tools necessary to do so. You will need to provide ample information so they can come prepared. In any case, you will need to provide documentation on vehicle ownership. 

Call Silver Eagle Locksmith Today

If you find yourself locked out of your vehicle, or need a replacement key, a locksmith is the best option. Contact Silver Eagle Locksmith at 702-539-9581 for emergency locksmith service.