
How to Choose a Safe Pool Lock for Your Backyard Pool Enclosure

Safe Pool Lock

Every home with a backyard in-ground or above ground swimming pool must have a fence. And, it should also have a lock installed for safety reasons. If you have children living in or visiting your home, using a safe pool lock helps to keep them safe.

How to Choose the Best Safety Lock for Your Pool

Even if you do not have children living in your home, the presence of an in-ground or above ground swimming pool makes safety locks essential for everyone’s safety. You can have an experienced locksmith in Las Vegas install a lock on the fence around your pool as well as other locks for your back doors and perimeter fence. Also, with these locks, children visiting your home and kids in the neighborhood will have more safety from accidents and injuries related to accessing the pool without supervision.

Sliding Door Locks

Having a locksmith install a specialty lock on your sliding glass patio door helps to keep your own child or any visiting children from wandering into the backyard by themselves. During parties and other special events, adults may be too busy to notice if one child disappears. Having a lock securely in place helps to keep the child inside and away from the pool.

Keyed Locks

Most communities and homeowner’s insurance agencies require that above ground pools and in-ground pools have a 6-foot-tall fence installed around the pool’s perimeter. The fence should have a gate that is kept locked at all times when the pool is not in use. A keyed lock is a good way to keep children from accessing the pool when no adult is present. A locksmith can install this type of lock onto the fence gate.

Magnetic Latches

Magnetic latches are a newer technology that Las Vegas locksmiths use. This type of a lock does not require any electricity. A child would be unlikely to be able to shake the latch open. These locks are made from engineered polymers and stainless steel. The internal mechanism uses powerful magnets that require an adult’s grip in order to release the latch and open the pool’s gate.

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